Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Leaving at the Door

What to toss? What to toss? So many things I could get rid of to make my load lighter, but I am so used to this weight now that it would be unnerving to shift it.

I will toss out my negativity. My pessimism. It has become a comfortable sweatshirt, but the sleeves are fraying and others are beginning to point out how unbecoming it is a garment.It is a dull color of grey, matching everything but enhancing nothing. Now, I don't generally dress based on other people's words, but I can see the snarking now when I do it. I can feel it, like pins and needles when your foot has been asleep.

So, the comfort of pessimism, of negativity, is tossed at the door, and I am down to my skivvies. What shall I put on now? Something shiny and bright? Something that tinkles when I walk, that shimmers in the light? Something more juicy than the grey sweatshirt, definitely.


At 9:48 PM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

something that tinkles and shimmers. Great! I'd like to see that.


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